Wednesday, February 20, 2013

My Relationship Rules

My relationship rules 1. Just because you like someone doesn't always mean they will like you in return 2. What you see isn't always what you get 3. The law of "give and It shall be given to you" doesn't always apply 4. Good or bad sex is just a thing of the mind 5. Absence most times doesn't make the heart grow fonder 6. Bad things sometimes happen to good people 7. The patient dog might just die of hunger 8. Change is the only constant thing in life 9. Relationship is not a business venture 10. Not everyone is cut out for marriage 11. You don't have to like football just because your bf loves football. 12. The only time your bf would stay & watch Desperate Housewives with you, is when he's wooing you. 13. Being pregnant for your bf don't mean your married to him automatically. 14. Don't compromise ab initio what you wouldn't continue in the relationship. 15. Look into the mirror, that's the only person your happiness depends on. 16. When you love, do so with your heart and head. 17. Ladies, not every man understands your 'hard to get' game. You just might lose a good guy. 18. Ladies, its a cold world, most guys wants just your body, NOT ALL GUYS. Differentiate. 19. Guys, some ladies love for different reasons, NOT JUST YOUR MONEY. Be witty. 20. Be truthful and diplomatic always. 21. In our modern world, FWB is prominent. Define your relationship & don't assume a title for it. 22. Ladies, change your tactics. Not all men think with their 'little heads'. 23. The stomach isn't always the way to a man's heart. Kindness, care & sometimes intelligence does the trick. 24. Guys, why keep a lady when you know you ain't gonna man her eventually. 25. A sensible guy knows the woman's worth & if she's right for him ab initio and vice versa. 26. You color block with skinny jeans like a little kid, yet you expect to attract a boss lady. 27. Flashing your tittties can attract some guys. But, I'm not sure how long it'd keep one. If the sex goes sour, well, we know the rest. 28. Avoid the love-triangle. It brings hurt more often than not. Hard as it seems, let go.

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